LWTF: May 23 | Theater History and Roman History, Horror Movie Comedy Dub, and More
I. Love. YouTube. Both Crash Course and Kings and Generals have been my faves ever since I came across their respective channels last year. The content is super educational and fun af. Lately, I’ve really been into theater history and Roman history—being able to see the battles reenacted from a bird’s-eye view is wonderfully satisfying …
“Last Week This Friday” is just me sharing what made me happy last week in the hopes it brings a laugh or that you discover something new <3 If you’re feeling inspired, leave a comment sharing what recently made you smile.
I. Love. YouTube. Both Crash Course and Kings and Generals have been my faves ever since I came across their respective channels last year. The content is super educational and fun af. Lately, I’ve really been into theater history and Roman history—being able to see the battles reenacted from a bird’s-eye view is wonderfully satisfying. The quality for both of these channels is top notch and the animation is a visual treat.
Happy Happy, Joy Joy
For everyone who is not a fan of horror films, this comedy dub of A Quiet Place by HISHE is hilarious. And thanks to L.S. Johnson for sharing the Avatar TikTok<3 Heads-up! Major spoilers for A Quiet Place and Avatar the Last Airbender.
Y’all have to watch this shit. 🤣 pic.twitter.com/nPRpY9zVac
— T.J (@NamjoonGlasses) May 21, 2020
Malicious X is a gothy Japanese fashion company that has released a line of covid horror-masks that capitalize on the hidden folds of pleats to create amazing, monstrous effects.https://t.co/uKdrrnGoFN
— Covered Dish People (@doctorow) May 19, 2020
1/ pic.twitter.com/96bcu4TQfR
Stay safe and healthy, everyone <3
Stay in touch!
Subscribe to my blog, connect with me on social media, or read my books :)
Read the books already? Please consider leaving a review on Amazon. It really makes a difference in helping others take a chance <3
Writing Tips I learned at Flights of Foundry
It’s day 66 of sheltering in place in San Francisco. Clear blue skies and blinding sun are dominating the day, and the the Assistant—Kanoqui the Feral Prince—is quite happy with this change in weather. Kanoqui tends to get rather cranky when there is no sun for him to bask in …
It’s day 66 of sheltering in place in San Francisco. Clear blue skies and blinding sun are dominating the day, and the the Assistant—Kanoqui the Feral Prince—is quite happy with this change in weather. Kanoqui tends to get rather cranky when there is no sun for him to bask in, and he will stare and meow at me as if I had the power to make the sun appear. To date, I have not been able to successfully convey to him that I lack the ability to control the weather. Is anyone else’s fur baby like this, lol?
This past weekend was Flights of Foundry, and it was great! There were a few audio issues at the beginning that made it impossible to hear what the panelists were saying, but the glitches were quickly resolved. The convention went pretty smoothly after that and wow, did I learn a lot! It was the writing therapy I didn’t realize I needed, and my writer’s soul feels much calmer now. As a friend recently pointed out, validation in this industry is important, not just after the book is published, but throughout the writing process as well.
From what I heard there were over a thousand attendees this weekend, which is pretty amazing! I highly recommend attending Flights of Foundry, so keep this one marked in your books for future online literary events.
I wanted to share the writing tips I learned, some of which I may or may not already employ. Sorry for the vagueness, but I don’t want to accidentally give something away about book2/The Faceless God!
Plots aren't static but can develop as you write.
How to use pronouns without it getting confusing:
Read your work out loud. If the balance between name and pronoun is not clear, it’s time put the name in.
Vary the syntax and dialogue.
Switching POVs can help open up possibilities that you didn’t think about before because you were locked into a prior POV. Don’t be afraid to switch POVs.
A way to explore characters (especially in a group dynamic) is to write the dialogue first. It’s OK if the dialogue doesn’t make it into your story, but this can help you get a feel for how your characters speak and interact with each other.
Keep in mind the way characters treat each other and those around them. A character will treat friends, family, coworkers, etc differently.
Write something you are passionate about, and that passion will come through.
You do not have to do an apprenticeship in short fiction to get an agent or be a legitimate writer.
90% of your marketing effort is wasted, but you can’t obsess over it.
How many beats are ideal in a fight scene?
It depends on how big the fight is. Turning points are important to keep the fight from becoming grinding.
Have breathing spaces between dramatic fight scenes.
Track the flow of how information is revealed in your story (i.e., who knows what, and when is that information revealed).
For revisions:
All forms of plotting and revision work so long as it works for you. <3
Make a bullet list of key turning points.
Make a “stakes map” and color code the stakes so you can see at a glance what is happening in your story and to your characters.
Note which character is in which scene and if they need more "screen time" or less.
Forcing yourself to finish the draft or “go on” is not always the right choice. If you feel resistance, you might be pushing the story or character in the wrong direction. Stop writing, look closely over your story, and try to figure out what is throwing your story off.
Watching “making of a movie” videos is a great way to learn how to edit your story by analyzing why certain movie scenes did not make it into finished films.
As you write, take notes of what needs to be changed, and then go back and revise it later so you can get that first draft out.
Be aware if changes in your story during revisions cause a ripple effect. Changing one thing can change everything else.
How your characters develop and behave is not something that is set in stone before writing. Your story is a single work that can change as you write it because of the group dynamics revealed as you progress.
The 3-act story structure used heavily by Western media is not universal. There are also 4-act and 5-act structures. My Neighbor Totoro is an example of a 4-act structure.
Memory is ephemeral, unreliable. The more you remember something, the more distorted it becomes. That kind of unreliability is something you need to be aware of as you write your characters.
Decolonizing the SFF genre:
Question your fundamental assumptions about the world.
S. Qiouyi Lu has a great article on Tor.com that talks about the framework of decolonizing speculative fiction
Even within small communities, no culture is a monolith:
Don’t present communities as purely homogenous.
Don’t have one person represent an entire culture.
Once you are aware of how you are colonizing, that is a huge step toward decolonizing.
The “wrong” or “right” narrative is a Western idea of there being only one truth, that only one side can be right, or that only one narrative can be true. This is not universal to all cultures.
The gender binary was imposed to get rid of traditional gender roles and to impose a system of power that favored gender imbalance. It’s a means of control, but it has been so internalized that it is never questioned.
Do not italicize non-English words.
Revel in yourself and in your culture and don’t worry about whether everyone can relate to it. As long your story is good, the reader will find something to relate to on their own.
I hope you find something useful <3
All the best,
2020 Events Update and Flights of Foundry: An Online Convention During COVID-19 | May 16-17
It’s day 59 of sheltering in place in San Francisco. The past few days have been rainy and today is no different, but I love rainy days <3 Another convention I was scheduled to be at later this year has just canceled due to COVID-19, and I respect the organizers' decision …
It’s day 59 of sheltering in place in San Francisco. The past few days have been rainy and today is no different, but I love rainy days <3 Another convention I was scheduled to be at later this year has just canceled due to COVID-19, and I respect the organizers' decision. This would have been my first year at Rose City Comic Con, a convention I have heard nothing but good things about (for both vendors and attendees). Because that’s the thing about conventions: the attendee experience does not always mirror the vendor experience, and vice versa.
So far it looks like the only in-person convention I have set that has not yet been canceled is Powerhouse Comic Con in Pleasanton, CA, which is still scheduled for 7/26/2020. I’ll keep you posted if anything changes.
And now onto a convention I will be attending: Flights of Foundry! This will be my first time attending an online convention and being part of a virtual dealer’s room. I have no idea what to expect but am super grateful to the organizers for all the work they are putting into making this event happen. I won’t be doing any panels, which means I get to enjoy the programming to its fullest. I admit to feeling major FOMO (fear of missing out) yesterday as I was looking over the schedule and found myself thinking, “I should have at least done a reading.”
Not since I published The Deadbringer have I gone to a convention just as an attendee. Normally, if I’m not doing a panel I’m doing a live reading. If I’m not doing either of those things, I am behind a table vending. But preparing for a panel takes time (it’s a professional presentation, after all), and I want to prioritize my own writing, i.e., book 2/The Faceless God. To that end, the panels I will be attending focus on topics that are relevant to the writing stage I'm at.
Photo Credit | Flights of Foundry
The panel I am really looking forward to is “Using Mythology in SFF” since I incorporate my own culture and mythology into the secondary world of the Ellderet. The knowledge you gain from hearing first-hand the authors, editors, artists who have “been there, done that" has been invaluable to me. Literary conventions are basically CEU (continuing education credits). Do I think I’m the greatest writer in the world because I go to these conventions and attend these panels? Hahaha, no. But I do know I'm a better writer than I was when I first started, and that’s part of what my #writerslife or #authorslife journey is about.
If you would like to attend the panels, you have until May 17 to register. Flights of Foundry is free, but donations are welcome.
All the best,
Stay in touch!
Subscribe to my blog, connect with me on social media, or read my books :)
Read the books already? Please consider leaving a review on Amazon. It really makes a difference in helping others take a chance <3
Tales for the Camp Fire 1-Year Anniversary: Our Wildfire Relief Charity Anthology of Short Horror Stories
Happy Saturday! I'm excited about today as it marks the 1-year anniversary of Tales for the Camp Fire!! Within one day of the ebook going live, the charity anthology I published reached #3 in Amazon's Best Sellers in Horror Anthologies, and the 100 print books I had taken to Bay Area Book Festival sold out!
Happy Saturday! I'm excited about today as it marks the 1-year anniversary of Tales for the Camp Fire!! Within one day of the ebook going live, the charity anthology I published reached #3 in Amazon's Best Sellers in Horror Anthologies, and the 100 print books I had taken to Bay Area Book Festival sold out!
During that launch weekend at the book festival, many readers shared their personal stories of how they or someone they knew had been devastated by the wildfire that tore through Paradise, CA in late 2018. The loss was heartbreaking. By the end of 2019, we raised $2,200 in profit and donated it to North Valley Community Foundation’s wildfire relief fund. All of this was possible because of the readers, authors, organizers, media outlets, and local bookstores who supported the charity anthology in one way or another. I'm very grateful and proud of this book because I and a lot of other people donated our time and labor to give back to the community.
Many thanks to Jonathan Maberry for blurbing the book (eekk! mind blown!!), Petersen Games for donating the awesome cover artwork, Deirdre Spencer for designing the cover, to the estate of Clark Ashton Smith for graciously donating a story, to Bram Stoker Award nominated author Loren Rhoads for stepping up as editor, to L.S. Johnson and Qamber Designs for taking on the ebook, to all the contributing authors who donated their stories, to author Ben Monroe for coming up with the idea of putting together a charity anthology, and to director and author Death's Parade Film Fest and Chad Schimke for going above and beyond to spread the word.
I feel very grateful to have been a part of this ❤ If you would like to help out and get a great collection of horror stories, you can find the anthology in print and ebook on Amazon. All profits from the sale of this anthology will be donated to Camp Fire relief and recovery efforts administered by the North Valley Community Foundation.
All the best,
*click on the images for the full picture
Originally posted on my Instagram @tomesandcoffee 5/2/2020. Minor edits were made to the text for the post. Additional photos were added.
Last Week This Friday: May 1, 2020 | Alameda NAS, Poppies, AI Memes, and More
So what is “Last Week This Friday”? It’s just me sharing what made me happy last week in the hopes it brings a laugh or that you discover something new <3 If you’re feeling inspired, leave a comment sharing what recently made you smile …
Walking Dead in Alameda NAS
Today is International Workers’ Day and day 46 of sheltering in place in San Francisco. Sending love and solidarity to the workers of the world <3
The title for this post is 100% indebted to John Oliver’s Last Week Tonight. I love John Oliver and the way he delivers relevant information with tender loving care and a dash of wake-the-fuck-up. As a matter of fact, Last Week Tonight along with Asian Boss have had some on-point well-researched videos covering COVID-19 that I found very informative. Here’s a YouTube Playlist of the collected videos.
So what is “Last Week This Friday”? It’s just me sharing what made me happy last week in the hopes it brings a laugh or that you discover something new <3 If you’re feeling inspired, leave a comment sharing what recently made you smile.
me at the goth club when this is all over pic.twitter.com/moAYA1Y0lf
— 𝖓𝖆𝖙𝖆𝖑𝖎𝖊 ☥ (@ddrrac) April 22, 2020
the year is 1348
— Brick (@NeuroBrick) April 19, 2020
you're moving hay into the stables as the lord commanded it
he has a festival tomorrow, and the horses need to be in peak form
a rat looks at you funny pic.twitter.com/gWtu3pbpNP
I came across this new AI meme generator a few days ago, but I had to share it now as it had me laughing out loud at the absurd randomness of it all! Here are some of the memes I got:
And here are some pics I took last weekend while exploring the old Alameda Naval Air Station, which was shut down and largely abandoned in the early 90’s.
Much love,
Day 44 of Sheltering in Place in San Francisco: I Don't Want "Normal," I Want Better
It's day 44 of "sheltering in place" in San Francisco. I hope everyone is keeping safe as best they can <3 The shelter-in-place order for the Bay Area has officially been extended to the end of May with some restrictions slowly being lifted starting May 4. I've been thinking about how I keep wishing life would go back to the way it was “before.” But then I remind myself that the way things were before is the reason that so many are without any form of safety net right now and are struggling to survive …
It's day 44 of "sheltering in place" in San Francisco. I hope everyone is keeping safe as best they can <3 The shelter-in-place order for the Bay Area has officially been extended to the end of May with some restrictions slowly being lifted starting May 4. I've been thinking about how I keep wishing life would go back to the way it was “before.” But then I remind myself that the way things were before is the reason that so many are without any form of safety net right now and are struggling to survive.
“Bullshit is the glue that binds us as a nation.” | San Francisco street art
Despite the convention season being canceled and the loss of income that entails for me, I am in a fortunate position because I can still work from home, and the hub's job was thankfully not affected (for now, fingers crossed). But if his job had been cut, we would be screwed and insurance would be lost. I'm not the healthiest of people: I have chronic asthma, I've had three myomectomies, and I've had a nephrectomy to remove stage 2 renal cancer. I finished writing The Deadbringer while recovering and went on to write more stories and am currently working on a sequel because I had insurance that allowed me to be diagnosed and treated. If not, the cancer would have metastasized. Many were not so fortunate before COVID-19 and many more are not so fortunate now.
The other thing that has been on my mind is how immigrant workers are now considered "essential" whereas “before” they were deemed so inhuman that their children were taken and herded into camps. And even now, immigrant meatpacking workers are being forced to return to work in places like Iowa with threats of losing their unemployment insurance, despite huge outbreaks in those facilities. So no, I don't want things to return to normal, I want things to be better. I believe things can get better.
Stay safe and healthy, everyone <3
Originally posted on my Instagram @tomesandcoffee 4/29/2020. Minor edits were made to the text for the post.
San Francisco street art
Cinnamon Tea Recipe (Té de Canela): A Mexican Beverage in the Forthcoming Novel 'The Faceless God'
I’m very grateful to be able to work from home and have been keeping busy with working on the sequel to The Deadbringer. One of the chapters I was recently working on had a placeholder for a drink of some sort, and by placeholder I mean typing out the letters “XXX” or “YYY” …
One of the chapters I was recently working on had a placeholder for a drink of some sort, and by placeholder I mean typing out the letters “XXX” or “YYY” into the sentence until I figure out what to add in. Like my sweet corn beverage recipe from To Nurture & Kill, right off the bat I knew I wanted it to be a drink that is common in Mexican culture. After thinking out a few logistics, I decided to go with cinnamon tea or té de canela. Despite cinnamon not being native to Mexico, Ceylon Cinnamon or “True Cinnamon” is so often used in Mexican dishes and drinks that it’s referred to as Mexican Cinnamon.
Photo Credit: https://depositphotos.com/ | (Cinnamomum cassia) Chinese Cinnamon
(Cinnamomum verum) Ceylon Cinnamon or “True Cinnamon” aka Mexican Cinnamon
I don’t remember when I first had it, but I must have been very young — cinnamon tea or té de canela has always been in my life. It was such a common drink growing up that I did not think twice about it or consider it a “Mexican drink.” Not until I was in college and tried my first cinnamon tea bag for conveniences’s sake did I realize that not all cinnamon tea was brewed the same. After a few more similar experiences with equally bland results, I began to realize why the cinnamon tea I grew up with was considered a Mexican drink. So today, I am going to show you how to make cinnamon tea exactly the way my mom taught me :)
One last note before I go into the recipe: All forms of cinnamon contain a chemical compound known as coumarin which is toxic to humans. While C. cassia has high levels of coumarin, Ceylon or Mexican Cinnamon (C. verum) “contains all of the health-promoting properties of cinnamon with none of the toxic properties.” Here is a great post breaking down the toxicity of the different types of cinnamon and which variety is the healthiest. The main way you can tell the difference between the two cinnamon types is by appearance (see above picture). In addition, Mexican cinnamon has a natural earthy sweetness that does not require sugar. I highly recommend you try it at least once without any sort of sweetener.
Onward to the recipe!
Yields about 1.5 cups
1 Mexican Cinnamon stick
2 cups water
*Sugar or honey to taste
*Note: No sweetener of any type was used in this recipe
To a small pot, add the water + cinnamon stick. Close lid. On medium-low heat, slowly bring to a soft boil so the cinnamon stick can brew properly. This will take about 15-20 minutes.
If using sugar, now is the time to add it.
After simmering, remove pot from heat. At this point, the water will take on an amber tint, but the tea is still not ready!
Let the water + cinnamon stick steep with the lid on for another 15-20 minutes. As the water cools, the cinnamon will begin to release its full flavor and the color will change from amber to golden red.
Note the color difference in the below pictures (left picture is before steeping, right picture is after steeping).
Finally, strain the tea and reserve the cinnamon stick. For hot cinnamon tea, simply reheat in the same pan or pour yourself a cup and reheat it in the microwave. For cold cinnamon tea, add ice to a tall glass or chill in fridge.
Sweeten if desired and enjoy!
Note: If the end result is too strong, add water to dilute the flavor.
Té de canela can be stored in the fridge for a couple of days, ready for you to enjoy cold or reheated, or add some to your cup of coffee, tea, or cocktail for a lovely warm kick.
Tag me on Instagram @tomesandcoffee if you make this drink or the sweet corn atole from To Nurture & Kill :) I know this version of cinnamon tea is a bit more time consuming, but as the smell, taste, and color great your senses, you begin to realize why it’s worth the effort.
I’m looking forward to sharing this drink with my readers in the forthcoming The Faceless God <3
Until next we meet,
Masks for Covid-19: Where to Donate in the Bay Area & Resources on How to Make Your Own Homemade Masks
It’s day 31 of “sheltering in place” in San Francisco. Dear reader, I hope wherever you are in the world that you and yours are staying safe and healthy. For those of us who can stay home let’s keep trying to do our best to help #flattenthecurve and keep our essential workers—healthcare workers, grocery workers, delivery workers, immigrant workers—safe.
4/21/20 Edit: San Francisco peeps! Beginning April 22, 2020 masks will be required to cover your face when shopping, taking transit, seeking healthcare, among other activities. The rule went into effect 4/17, but will not be enforced until 4/22. Masks with one-way exhalation valves do not comply with the order’s requirements. Despite protecting the wearer, droplets can escape from the mask’s valve and put those around you at risk.
Welcome back! It’s day 31 of “sheltering in place” in San Francisco. Dear reader, I hope wherever you are in the world that you and yours are staying safe and healthy. For those of us who can stay home let’s keep trying to do our best to help #flattenthecurve and keep our essential workers—healthcare workers, grocery workers, delivery workers, immigrant workers—safe. Let’s also do our best for those who can’t afford to stay home. Everyone has a role to play; we’re in this together.
To that end, I’ve put together some links on how to make your own homemade non-medical masks and where to donate them as well as much needed PPE supplies. A caveat before I continue: I am not a medical professional, and information with respect to COVID-19 is still unfolding. Please do your own research as staying informed helps dispel harmful misinformation.
I know it’s not easy taking in the latest news about COVID-19, or how people are being racist, or how so many have lost their jobs or are facing eviction from their homes, and not have it negatively affect your mental health. The rage, depression, anxiety, fear, guilt that assails me when I read the news can leave me feeling rather bleak and set a dark mood for the rest of the day. To help keep my days productive, I’ve started leaving the news for the evening and talk the events through with the hub so I’m not alone with my thoughts. It isn’t foolproof, but being able to verbally vent has helped my mental health. I’m also learning to be kinder to myself on days I do fall apart, because sometimes falling apart is what it takes to get back up.
Where to Donate PPE & Homemade Masks
If you decide to make your own masks with the intention of donating:
First check to see where masks might be needed in your area
Contact the location to see how they want the mask sown as the facility may favor a pattern or construction (2-ply versus 3-ply)
The grassroots collective website Make Masks helps you identify which areas in your state need homemade masks and how many are being requested. There is also Mask Match whose aim is to “send your masks to healthcare workers without leaving your house.” Per their website as of the date of this post, Mask Match accepts medical grade filtration masks, all surgical masks, and homemade masks. They even have a handy G-doc guide for best practices for sewing and links to other homemade mask resources.
For San Francisco and the surrounding Bay Area, many hospitals are also accepting donations and list on their website which supplies they are and aren’t accepting and where to drop them off. Some of the hospitals accepting supplies include:
In Berkeley, Councilwoman Rashi Kesarwani has a site where to donate PPE
This KQED article, updated 4/13, has an extensive list of hospitals accepting donations. They even have a useful “Map View” that allows you to see at a glance where you can donate supplies in the Bay Area.
If you prefer not to drop off supplies at a hospital, this article on Hoodline lists local businesses (and even the Oakland Public Library) that are accepting masks with the intention of donating them to the hospitals.
4/21 Edit: Masks with a one-way exhalation valves are not recommended as they do not block the transmission of COVID-19. They protect the wearer, but not the people around you, thus putting them at risk.
How to Make Your Own Mask
For those of you talented with needle and thread, this video by Angela Clayton takes you step-by-step on how to sew your own mask. Here’s a different link for those who prefer to read their instructions (scroll down to the bottom of the post for the instructions).
For those of us who can’t sew, myself included, here is a video by Asia Jackson showing you step-by-step how to transform a piece of cloth or bandana into a DIY face mask. Here’s a different link for those who prefer to read their instructions.
I hope this post was helpful in some way. Stay safe and healthy everyone <333
Until next we meet,
Kanoqui the Feral Prince Sends His Love
It’s Day 26 of “sheltering in place” in San Francisco. I admit that today I woke up not feeling that emotionally great. Some days are good; some days are bad. The struggle to climb out of the abyss is never easy, but I think realizing that is a step toward being kinder to myself. And to those around me.
It’s Day 26 of “sheltering in place” in San Francisco.
I admit that today I woke up not feeling that emotionally great. Some days are good; some days are bad. The struggle to climb out of the abyss is never easy, but I think realizing that is a step toward being kinder to myself. And to those around me.
Let’s all try to be kinder to each other and to ourselves.
We’re in this together <333
A Bookish Playlist for To Nurture & Kill
It’s day 24 of “sheltering in place” in San Francisco as the State attempts to help #flattenthecurve. Had Covid-19 not struck, I would be traveling down to Anaheim, CA for a weekend of vending and geeking out at WonderCon …
Gritty heroes, blood-soaked promises, and family bonds put to the test.
It’s day 24 of “sheltering in place” in San Francisco as the State attempts to help #flattenthecurve. Had Covid-19 not struck, I would be traveling down to Anaheim, CA for a weekend of vending and geeking out at WonderCon. The cancelation of WonderCon and subsequent conventions means lost income for me, but everyone’s health and safety comes first. More than anything, I want to see the faces of the readers I have met at conventions again, which means doing my part by staying home.
As a indie author, all I can offer is some form of entertainment while I keep working toward completing The Faceless God. I’ve gone deeper and deeper into the world with each draft and subsequent revision. It’s like the David Lynch quote I included in yesterday’s Twin Peaks 30th anniversary post: “I think that’s one of the great things about a continuing story: that you can go in, and go deeper and deeper and deeper. You begin to feel the mystery, and things start coming.”
While I continue diving further into the world of the Ellderet, I wanted to share a playlist I made back in 2017 for To Nurture & Kill. These are the songs that “made it” to the final draft of the story, the ones that when I listen to them I see myself in my mind’s eye writing the scenes. Most of the songs are instrumental, although a few have lyrics.
Let me know if you’ve read To Nurture & Kill or if any of the songs strike a chord!
We’re living in strange times. Let’s all be kind to each other, and don’t be racist.
See you soon,