Feb + March 2020 Bay Area Conventions: Indie Uncon, FogCON, and Oddities & Curiosities Expo
Convention season for me starts this Friday! First up is the San Francisco Indie Uncon, a three day convention dedicated to helping indie authors learn more about the business-side of writing. This will be my first time attending …
Feb 21-23: 2020 San Francisco Indie Uncon
Convention season for me starts this Friday! First up is the San Francisco Indie Uncon, a three day convention dedicated to helping indie authors learn more about the business-side of writing. This will be my first time attending, but what I’m excited about from the con’s description is that it’s supposed to be about indie authors coming together to freely share their knowledge. It’s authors supporting authors instead of “come learn about our paid services.”
You can learn more about the 2020 San Francisco Indie Uncon at https://kellymcclymerbooks.com/san-francisco-indie-uncon/.
March 6-8: FogCON 10
Walnut Creek, CA
2 Panels + 1 Reading
All my books will be available at the Borderlands Bookstore table in the Dealers Room
I’m going to be on two panels at this year’s FogCON, and I will also be reading from my work alongside authors L. S. Johnson, Loren Rhoads, and Sian Jones. I still haven’t decided what to read but, with nearly 16 minutes of reading time, I’m leaning toward an excerpt from The Deadbringer.
The two panels I will be on are (1) Things I Wish I’d Known Earlier: Writing Edition, and (2) Shades of Fear: Color in Horror.
For more detailed information about the panels head on over to my events page.
Oddities & Curiosities Expo
San Mateo Event Center | San Mateo, CA
All my books will be available for purchase
Prints by The Ellderet Series cover artist, Pink Pigeon Studio, will be available for purchase
I will be joining Loren Rhoads (199 Cemeteries to See Before You Die) and L.S. Johnson (Rare Birds)
As the title suggests, this is a convention celebrating all things dark <3 This will be my first time at this convention - exciting!
Mexica New Year 2020: The Year of Chicyei (8) Tecpatl (Flint)
Mexica New Year is nearly here, and I will FINALLY be able to attend the celebrations in San Jose, CA! Unfortunately, the past two new years (Chicoace Tochtli/6 Rabbit and Chicome Acatl/7 Reed), FogCON have fallen on the same weekend as the celebrations …
3/11/2020 NOTE: Mexica New Year in San Jose has been canceled to help prevent the spread of the coronavirus. Read the official organizer statement.
Photo Credit | https://www.aztecadancers.com/
Mexica New Year is nearly here, and I will FINALLY be able to attend the celebrations in San Jose, CA! Unfortunately, the past two new years (Chicoace Tochtli/6 Rabbit and Chicome Acatl/7 Reed), FogCON has fallen on the same weekend as the celebrations. Calpulli Tonalehqueh’s celebrations are held in San Jose while FogCON is in Walnut Creek … not an easy trek. Also, did I mention I got sick just in time for last year’s FogCON?
Thankfully, because I live in a city with a strong Latinx culture that is proud of its indigenous roots and celebrates it to the fullest, I was able to attend Mexica New Year 7-Acatl in San Francisco. I am talking about the Mission, of course. Sadly, because of ongoing gentrification, communities of color and local shops are being pushed out of the neighborhood and city.
“Latin culture is part of San Francisco culture,” says [Silvia Ferrusquia]. “When we go, the Mission is not the Mission anymore. If everyone goes, it’s just one more city in the whole U.S. — and it’s boring. Who cares about San Francisco if it’s not San Francisco?”
Photo Credit | https://bit.ly/2wqs5KZ
Not only did I attend, but I was fortunate enough to help set up the altar alongside so many others. I learned a lot that day. These spaces and celebrations exist in San Francisco because of the Latinx community. Without them, there would not be a 13th Annual Mexica New Year in San Francisco.
I’m looking forward to celebrating 8-Tecpatl in San Francisco on March 11 and in San Jose on March 14-15 💙
3rd Annual Tales of Horror at the San Mateo Public Library
This Wednesday, 10/2, at 7pm-8:30pm, I will be at the 3rd Annual Tales of Horror at the San Mateo Public Library. I had quite a lovely time at the 2nd Annual Tales of Horror …
This Wednesday, 10/2, at 7pm-8:30pm, I will be at the 3rd Annual Tales of Horror at the San Mateo Public Library. I had quite a lovely time at the 2nd Annual Tales of Horror and am looking forward to reading to the public once again! Last year’s event was a lot of fun with authors dressing up in costumes and reading excerpts from their books. I’m hoping to dress up again this year, but lately the Kleenex box has been my best friend. Maybe I can be a catrina with a head cold. lnstead of a crown of roses in my hair, maybe I should consider a crown of tissues, lol!
I’ll have a limited number of copies of “Leaving the #9,” The Deadbringer, and To Nurture & Kill on hand for sale. And since you’ll be buying direct from me, all purchases will include a free limited edition Ellderet bookmark (while supplies last). If you’re one of my Newsletter of the Cursed subscribers, you know all about the trials and tribulations behind these bookmarks. If you’re not subscribed, please consider becoming one of The Damned. The Faceless God will most certainly be getting its own limited edition bookmark, and I would like to ask my newsletter subscribers to help me choose the design.
The Damned strike a pose
Authors from left to right: Loren Rhoads, Mercy Hollow, EM Markoff, Emerian Rich
So yeah, if you’re looking for a night of spooky stories read by costumed authors dressed to impress, then the 3rd Annual Tales of Horror is for you! Many thanks to the San Mateo Public Library for hosting the event (#supportlocallibraries) and to HorrorAddicts.net for organizing.
The following authors will also be reading at the event: Emerian Rich, Jonathan Fortin, J. Malcolm Stewart, Trinity Adler, Loren Rhoads, Laurel Anne Hill, Ben Monroe, R.L. Merrill, Mercy Hollow, and Sumiko Saulson.
2019 Upcoming Events:
10/2/19: Tales of Horror | San Mateo Library | San Mateo, CA | Free | Reading
10/11/19: Stephen Chbosky with E.M. Markoff | Kepler’s Literary Foundation | Menlo Park, CA | 7:30pm - 9pm | Buy tickets
10/19/19: Lit Crawl | Dalva | San Francisco, CA | Free | Reading
Imagination Fair at BayCon 2018: Come Learn About The Faceless God And The Corn Festival
This Saturday, 5/26, at 10am-4pm I will be a part of this year's Imagination Fair at BayCon 2018. BayCon is the Bay Area’s longest fan-run science fiction & fantasy convention. This will be my first time presenting at Imagination Fair, and it will also be the first time I have ever done anything like this since, well, middle school. Think of it as science fair meets literature and fandom.
This Saturday, 5/26, at 10am-4pm I will be a part of this year's Imagination Fair at BayCon 2018. BayCon is the Bay Area’s longest fan-run science fiction & fantasy convention. This will be my first time presenting at Imagination Fair, and it will also be the first time I have ever done anything like this since, well, middle school. Think of it as science fair meets literature and fandom.
To give you an idea of what I mean, here is my pitch for what I will be showcasing:
Come learn the history (and inspiration) behind the Corn Festival, a tradition celebrated in the world of the Ellderet. Then get ready to play a game of ring toss to test your speed at avoiding the deadly tezca snakes that quest through the corn fields. Winners get an extra entry in the raffle to win a $5 Amazon gift card, while losers will have their soul offered up to the Faceless God!
I have always wanted to talk about the Corn Festival showcased in To Nurture & Kill, especially because I got called out at a writing workshop for including corn in the world of the Ellderet as it "wasn't available in medieval Europe" and thus it was somehow a problem element. A-huh. Corn might not have been a part of the Old World, but it most certainly was an integral part of the New World, especially the Mexica diet.
Other than the $5 Amazon gift card, prizes will also include one bundle set of The Deadbringer and To Nurture & Kill, and a mal de ojo (evil eye) charm.
Not pictured is the bashful $5 Amazon gift card.
And since this is a fair: "Authors, artists, and presenters will be on hand to supply you with goodies, instruction, and amusements to inspire your imagination! HorrorAddicts.net, SEARCH Magazine, Emerian Rich, J. Malcolm Stewart, Laurel Anne Hill and her Cthulu monster, Loren Rhoads, Sumiko Saulson, Valerie Frankel, Mercy Hollow, and more will be on hand to inspire! We'll also have a cos-play face painter, selfie booth, cosplay supply giveaway, prize table, adult coloring & puzzle table and more."
Fun times, for sure :) Hope to see you there!!
For more information concerning Imagination Fair, please visit the events page.