Imagination Fair at BayCon 2018: Come Learn About The Faceless God And The Corn Festival
This Saturday, 5/26, at 10am-4pm I will be a part of this year's Imagination Fair at BayCon 2018. BayCon is the Bay Area’s longest fan-run science fiction & fantasy convention. This will be my first time presenting at Imagination Fair, and it will also be the first time I have ever done anything like this since, well, middle school. Think of it as science fair meets literature and fandom.
This Saturday, 5/26, at 10am-4pm I will be a part of this year's Imagination Fair at BayCon 2018. BayCon is the Bay Area’s longest fan-run science fiction & fantasy convention. This will be my first time presenting at Imagination Fair, and it will also be the first time I have ever done anything like this since, well, middle school. Think of it as science fair meets literature and fandom.
To give you an idea of what I mean, here is my pitch for what I will be showcasing:
Come learn the history (and inspiration) behind the Corn Festival, a tradition celebrated in the world of the Ellderet. Then get ready to play a game of ring toss to test your speed at avoiding the deadly tezca snakes that quest through the corn fields. Winners get an extra entry in the raffle to win a $5 Amazon gift card, while losers will have their soul offered up to the Faceless God!
I have always wanted to talk about the Corn Festival showcased in To Nurture & Kill, especially because I got called out at a writing workshop for including corn in the world of the Ellderet as it "wasn't available in medieval Europe" and thus it was somehow a problem element. A-huh. Corn might not have been a part of the Old World, but it most certainly was an integral part of the New World, especially the Mexica diet.
Other than the $5 Amazon gift card, prizes will also include one bundle set of The Deadbringer and To Nurture & Kill, and a mal de ojo (evil eye) charm.
Not pictured is the bashful $5 Amazon gift card.
And since this is a fair: "Authors, artists, and presenters will be on hand to supply you with goodies, instruction, and amusements to inspire your imagination!, SEARCH Magazine, Emerian Rich, J. Malcolm Stewart, Laurel Anne Hill and her Cthulu monster, Loren Rhoads, Sumiko Saulson, Valerie Frankel, Mercy Hollow, and more will be on hand to inspire! We'll also have a cos-play face painter, selfie booth, cosplay supply giveaway, prize table, adult coloring & puzzle table and more."
Fun times, for sure :) Hope to see you there!!
For more information concerning Imagination Fair, please visit the events page.